Watt Ave at US-50 Interchange Project

Overnight Ramp & Lane Closures - ​October 6 to 10, 10 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. 

Motorists Should Be Prepared for Detours and Additional Travel Time


Sacramento, CA, October 6, 2014 – The Sacramento County Department of Transportation is alerting motorists that on the evenings of October 6 to 10, there will be overnight ramp and lane closures at the locations listed below: 

  1. Interchange Off-Ramps and On-Ramps: From 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. each night, there will be intermittent closures of all interchange off-ramps and on-ramps.  Closure periods for each ramp will last from 2 to 4 hours.  Once work near a specific ramp is completed, the ramp will be re-opened to motorists.
    Detours: Detours will be in place to guide motorists through the project area.

  2. Watt Avenue between Manlove Road and La Riviera Drive: Each evening there will be alternating closures of lanes on Watt Avenue between Manlove Road and La Riviera Drive.  One lane will remain open in each direction during closures periods.
    Delays: Expect possible 5 to 10 minute delays during lane closure periods.

Project Work: Project work during closure periods includes roadway paving and striping.

Completed Project: The completed project will provide: a reduction in overall delay through the interchange; much easier and safer access on and off the freeway for all motorists; dedicated transit facilities; and, improved access and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. It is anticipated that the project will be completed by November 2014.

Patience is Appreciated: The patience and cooperation of the traveling public is appreciated as work to construct the interchange project continues.

Please contact Dan Regan, Communications & Media Officer, at 916-874-7056, or regand@saccounty.net if you have any additional questions.